Hi there, Sara here! 👋
I work as a designer and facilitator to develop products and services that contribute to a society that we wholeheartedly want to live in. I focus on purposeful technology, co-creating with users and experts, and the wellbeing of everyone and this solar system.

I work with organisations to imagine and design digital services and how all people interact with them, from service users to service providers. Along the way, I make ideas visible, prototype to learn and I listen to and co-create with users, stakeholders and experts to help make confident decisions informed by existing or emerging needs, habits and technologies.
Have a look at how I work with intent

I’ve been part of the teams at Nesta, BIT, Normally and BBC, discovering new services and improving existing ones, for various organisations: Centre for Ageing Better, Sentencing Council, NHS, Google, IKEA, Meta, Barclays, Wise, and UNOPS.
See a selection of work

I’m on a journey to explore technologies that make or help to make automated decisions on behalf of children and young people. Because young people should have a say over the technologies that will radically shape the society they will live in.
Here’s how I’m finding my way through it