I intentionally apply people-centred, interaction, UX, and service design processes, which help organisations make confident and conscious decisions about the products and services they provide and the technologies they use.

Above all, I strive to be understanding and kind to the people I work with and selflessly put my skills at their service.


I’m tuned to positive impact and opportunity finding.

  • people-centered research
  • project management
  • service mapping
  • service strategy
  • user journey mapping
  • concepting

I’ve worked with messy data, complex systems and knotty problems within challenging environments and legacy systems that seem nearly impossible to change. Regardless, I have an optimistic outlook and focus on finding realistic opportunities and ways to ensure positive impact and direction.

I’ll prioritise work with this in mind. I’m committed to designing responsible products and services, fostering sustainable and viable businesses, and working towards an organisation’s mission and goals. Along the way, I make and hold space for user-centred design and collaborative practices.

My optimism comes with a generous side of being able to see how things can go terribly wrong, which is very helpful to mitigate risks.


80% of what I do is finding answers and making them actionable.

  • people-centered research
  • data analysis
  • literature review
  • regulation analysis
  • tech analysis
  • people-centered research

I spend the majority of my time learning, helping others learn, and demonstrating findings, which produces confident, informed, and deliberate team decisions.

I use various learning techniques, from discovery research, speaking to users, stakeholders, and experts, building prototypes, and producing high-fidelity designs, to usability testing, surveys, traffic data analysis, user journeys, and customer service data. This process is more or less formal, depending on the project and available resources. I’ll use recruitment agencies, usabilitytesting.com, Typeform or work with a data/business analyst.

I’ve also been known to chat with unsuspecting passersby and use taskrabbit.co.uk to book participants for expert interviews.


I’m always ready to share work in progress.

  • workshops & collab sessions
  • co-creation
  • communication & storytelling
  • project management

Whether I’m working independently, leading a team, or integrating a product and development team, I work openly and prefer using tools that are collaborative and accessible to designers and non-designers, such as Figma, Miro, Notion, and Google Docs.

I adopt existing team habits, like stand-ups, sprints, retros or design reviews. I implement strategies that help us work mindfully. For example, from day 1, creating a running project presentation/doc to make it easy to share with stakeholders at any stage. I run kick-off sessions to define briefs, plans, goals, and outputs together, and I will frequently check in with this plan and adapt to changing priorities and direction.

Look, collaboration doesn’t mean I will share EVERYTHING. I’ll keep a private pack of cookies in my bag.


I make ideas tangible so we can shape them together over time.

  • UX design
  • interaction design
  • prototyping
  • agile working
  • UI design
  • information architecture
  • content design
  • user testing

I love trying out ideas, evolving them, and exploring alternatives. I create prototypes, mock-ups, interfaces, content, user journeys, service maps, information flows, models, and other artefacts to raise requirements and elicit feedback from users, stakeholders, and experts. These help us practically work through challenges together as a team and align aims and expectations.

Together we define when we think we’re done and ready to learn from the next stage.

And yes, after working for over 15 years, I’ve stopped adding ‘_FINAL_FINAL’ to file names and will Marie Kondo the s@$*t out of what doesn’t matter.


I design reusable components that adapt to emerging needs.

  • usability
  • accessibility
  • design system development
  • ecosystem design

The interactions, interfaces and features I design are modular and created to sustain varying use cases, data and the evolution of the product or service. I’ll work based on an existing Design System or create one where there is none.

I share work in various formats, making it easier for others to provide feedback. I adapt communication to the different needs of stakeholders, generating knowledge that can be referenced and utilised across time. I develop templates and tools for the team to reproduce processes quickly and focus on adapting them intentionally for their needs.

I avidly used symbols and instances in Flash. It’s part of my DNA. If you know, you know.


From discovery research, facilitation and prototyping to delivery and testing, here are some example activities and outputs:

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High-fidelity interface and content to test the usability of instructions.
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Functional coded prototype to test the suitability of actions and information.
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State-changing animation to explore the connection between character and user.
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Functional coded prototype to explore technology and interactions.
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Simulating services with prototypes that utilise participant’s real personal data.
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Manually simulating services to assess validity before developing technology.
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Exploring existing datasets through interaction and making them visible.
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Bringing ideas to life through artefacts based on user and expert feedback.
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Assessing WCAG 2.2 accessibility and testing with assistive technology.
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Composing interfaces to develop information architecture.
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Exploring multiple use cases to prioritise user and technology needs.
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Sketching ideas to demonstrate user needs and goals.
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Defining what problem we are solving and how to contextualise an idea’s aim.
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Using printed interface components to co-create with research participants.
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Teaching user-centred ways of working to non-designers and stakeholders.
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Encouraging students to browse through and make sense of existing datasets.
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Encouraging reflection to design interactions over time with intent.
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Creating models to help consider and describe engagement lifecycle.
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Mapping services to identify opportunities and areas of focus.
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Mapping user journeys to break down possible use cases and scenarios.
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Describing external and internal service stages and components to stakeholders.
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Describing relationships and data flows between service touchpoints.
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Describing the learning model of an AI-enabled services.
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Describing the levels of severility and interaction model of notifications.
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Describing the behaviours and aims of all users, even those with malicious intent.
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Describing the decision-making process of a user to aid feature prioritisation.
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Creating ways for insights to be relevant and accessed across the business.
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Planning and designing the learning experience of students.
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Planning/re-evaluating project activities, making them visible to the team.
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Creating prototypes that allow visualising the experience of different user types.
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Creating templates and tools to make my team’s work easier and share knowledge.
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Mapping participant’s feedback to the respective interface and interactions.
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Creating ways for teams to take shared notes in user testing and sense-making.
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Making user testing sessions accessible to everyone in the team.
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Creating activities to help research participants reflect and discuss.
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Using ethnographic research methods to understand a person’s lived experience.
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Creating activities for teams to break down their product’s experience.
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Sketching and understanding the intent of early-on ideas.
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Writing on post-its and placing them in a roughly appropriate place on a wall.
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Creating a tool for people to record their version of a hand gesture.
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Using drawing and animation to understand the mechanics of movement.
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Using stop motion and paper prototyping to quickly create a storytelling tool.
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Creating a storytelling video through drawing and narration.
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Making the layers of animation visible and tangible.
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A website exploring navigation only through the sound of your voice.